Anyhow, this recent piece of news was so much of a surprise that I couldn't help _not_ to write about it. Last night the government announced the fuel rationing will start from this midnight! I'm reading in the newspapers that even the Traffic Director of Tehran Municipality has not been notified of the government's decision. Now, we in Iran are getting used to arbitrary decisions of the Islamic Republic officials but this one was unexpected even for us. I've heard from the time of the announcement people have rushed to gas stations so that they can get some more fuel before the rationing starts officially. The government announcement indicates that people cannot get more than the announced amount (3.5 liters per day for private vehicles) even for a higher price.
There has been much turmoil in Tehran last night and this morning. The protectors have set fire to several gas stations, and there are HUGE lines in the remaining ones. I took this photo from one such line of cars. The cars on the right side of the street are waiting in a line to get to a gas station some two kilometers ahead.

On my way to university today, I felt something is wrong as soon as I reached the street. There were far more people and vehicles in the streets than usual, and then the cab I took charged me a higher price than previous days. I was listening to music all the time so I couldn't hear what people were saying around me. On the way back, I decided to took off the headphones and see what is going on around me. Soon, I noticed everyone is talking about rationing gas. I think this is a serious wrong step by Ahmadinejad administration. I'm personally against almost everything he does, but this one seems to be beating himself. His administration is one of propaganda. The state-run media are trying to ignore the turmoil. Today's headline of the hard-line daily Keyhan, for example, was about another one of the supreme leader's endless talks! One short column described everything about fuel rationing in two paragraphs like nothing important has happened; and just next to the same news-stand that the large number of unsold copies of Keyhan were stacked, everyone was talking about the _real_ news.
I don't have the faintest idea what this has with my post. I was initially going to delete this troll stuff, but then I thought it exactly suggests how Islamist behavior generally looks like. I'm going to point out a few points, then.
First, I'm an atheist. I neither believe in Allah, nor the Trinity, nor any other kind of god. So what does these all have to do with me?
Second, what people generally call "Arabic numerals" are actually Indian numerals made known to the Western world through Iranian scholars (most notably Kharazmi, in his work On the Calculation with Hindu Numerals). Since Europeans weren't actually smart enough to tell the difference between Iranians and the Arab occupiers of that time they called the numerals "Arabic" while they have nothing to do with Arabs.
Third, generally when I see something does not match between the Bible and the Quran, I find it much more probable that the difference is due to Mohammad's apparent lack of Biblical knowledge when he was making up his book.
And finally, I find it a general Muslim attitude to expect all the world respect them and their beliefs. Respect should be gained not given to everyone, so don't ever expect people respect you when you don't deserve it.
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