Friday, June 19, 2009

Now I'm officially an owl

I go to sleep in the morning and wake up at night. I start with a meal which is more like dinner, and a few hours after that a breakfast like meal and an hour or two after that, something like an "afternoon tea." I might have an ice cream too, while starting studying around 3:00 AM. Maybe I should start making up more proper names for my meals. Crazy life, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

Is this due to the current events, or just something that you've slid into?

Homayoon said...

It happens to me from time to time to sleep the whole day and do my works during the night. I find it easier to focus at nights, but it's the first time the switching of day and night has persisted for several days. It started of course at the night after election during which I stayed awake all the night following the horrible news.

Anonymous said...

I started as a night owl back as a kid, when I would stay up late to read books by the light of the hallway. By the time I became a teenager, the internet was available via phone systems; I continued staying up late so that the ticking of the keys and tying up of the phone line didn't disturb anyone. Because of this, I developed a good deal of friends with people outside of my time zone and country.

A decade or so later, and the trend has continued. Most of my work on the computer happens late at night - even if I've lived alone. It's been easier to catch up on friends and new acquaintances, and any news developments.

Total switching of day and night usually occurs when I'm between jobs, or on vacation. I tell people that it's my more natural course :).

Hopefully, whenever you've gotten the ability to sleep, it's also included rest during these times.